Use of alliteration in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include alliteration at the start of sentence, alliteration at the end of sentence and alliteration in the middle of sentence

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alliteration at the start of sentence

  1. Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound within line or a group of words.
  2. Alliteration and assonance is not only a language phenomenon, but also an artistic one in poems.
  3. Alliteration and consonance are three main rhetorical devices , and literaland naturalization are the main translation approach.
  4. Alliteration, assonance and consonance are three main rhetorical devices, and literal translation, interpretation and naturalization are the main translation approach.

alliteration at the end of sentence

  1. What a wonderful way to teach alliteration.
  2. You have a true gift for inner rhyme and alliteration.
  3. Poets as we know have always a made great use of alliteration.
  4. 'Round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran' uses alliteration.
  5. His imaginative stories use the elements of poetry -- rhythm, rhyme, alliteration.
  6. As the Joyce example shows, this foregrounding is not limited to the more obvious poetic devices, such as metaphor and alliteration.

alliteration in the middle of sentence

  1. For alliteration it ought to be Pablo or Picauo.
  2. The prosody of Beowulf is based on alliteration, not end rhymes.
  3. And children love poetic rhythms, alliteration, nonsense mutations.
  4. We chose alliteration on the theory a little vulgarity enhances memory.
  5. Are there any phonological patterns of rhyme, alliteration, assonance, etc?
  6. The parallelisms are reinforced by frequent alliteration, indicated by italics.
  7. What became known , with irresistible alliteration, as the credit crunch had begun.
  8. It'seems to me that in prose alliteration should be used only for a special reason.
  9. Includes alliteration, harmonics, onomatopoetic, parallelism, symmetry and parables, etc.
  10. So Chelsea had more reason than alliteration to fear a third successive failure to reach the third round.
  11. The bombast, the alliteration, the pseudo-erudition that some people back then would take for the real thing.
  12. In the 15 phonological figures, assonance, alliteration, rhyme and others, are directly responsible for its poetical tendency.
  13. This paper probes into the translation of those figures of sound such as alliteration, metaplasm, word play, homophonic pun, etc.
  14. Languages are endowed with the aesthetics of rhymes, which can be chiefly divided into alliteration, assonance, rhyme and echoism.
  15. Finally, in spite of the accidental factors, an important reason is that Fanqie top words and the sliced words are alliteration and assonance.
  16. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 's adapted Old English meter tends to connect the two halves of each poetic line through alliteration, or repetition of consonants.
  17. The second is the sentences in paragraphs, the translator could successfully used such as alliteration and assonance rhetorical reproduction of the original artistic expression.
  18. The sound form of poetry is often manifested in onomatopoeia, sound symbolism and some other musical devices such as alliteration, assonance, repetition, internal rhyme and so on.

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cyril -
یونانی مشنری؛ اس سے منسوب کیا جاتا ہے سیریلک حروف کی ایجاد
Greek missionary; the invention of the Cyrillic alphabet is attributed to him (826-869)