Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of amusing

amusing meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of amusing in Sentence [29 examples]

1) amusing

Providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining.
An amusing speaker.
A diverting story.
تفریح مہیا کرنے والا
پر لطف

2) amusing

Arousing or provoking laughter.
An amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls.
An amusing fellow.
A comic hat.
A comical look of surprise.
Funny stories that made everybody laugh.
A very funny writer.
It would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much.
A mirthful experience.
Risible courtroom antics.
قہقہے لگانے کے قابل

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