Use of anneal in Sentences. 26 Examples

The examples include anneal at the start of sentence, anneal at the end of sentence and anneal in the middle of sentence

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anneal at the start of sentence

  1. Anneal means making harden steel soft and removing brittleness.
  2. Annealing was the heating and slow cooling process by which the resulting metal was toughened.

anneal at the end of sentence

  1. What do you mean by anneal?
  2. Three: they are hardening, temper and anneal.
  3. Three. They are hardening, temper and anneal.
  4. Firstly, equiaxed microstructure could be produced by treatments including hot compression and duplex anneal.
  5. The uniform ultra - fine grained copper was prepared by asymmetrical accumulative rolling bonding ( AARB ) and anneal.

anneal in the middle of sentence

  1. Heat quench heat temper heat anneal heat correctitude.
  2. The puller also applied growing and vacuum anneal of laser crystal.
  3. Results The 302 bp desired product was obtained at each anneal temperature.
  4. And a clear band with less interferer was seen at 58.6℃ as anneal temperature.
  5. Temperatures of anneal: At 30℃, the stripes of amplification were most distinctive.
  6. To do anneal process of bearing steel rod experiments with the furnace, a set of sphe.
  7. General anneal cooling rate slowest, fire rate quicker, the quenching cooling rate is quicker.
  8. Reducing annealing furnace: The furnace is used to anneal and reduce cold rolled carbon steels.
  9. In glass anneal furnace, SR 70 series programmable PID modulator is used as temperature controller.
  10. We produce the annealed wire with high - quality low carbon raw materials through wire drawing, anneal process.
  11. This led to an early invention of annealing, whereby the metal might be softened by sudden heating and quenching.
  12. The procedure using anneal instead of normalizing will improve the productive efficiency of electroslag welding joint.
  13. Steel welding construction through vibration ageing or anneal with sufficient strength and rigidity and high accuracy.
  14. A close approximation to these conditions has been attained by Mandelkern, who annealed a linear polyethylene for 40 days.
  15. This suggests that careful annealing at the appropriate temperature could produce samples with a high degree of crystallinity.
  16. This paper direct independent reinforcement of column against, explore anneal reinforcing bar spiral hoops strengthen technology.
  17. Simulated annealing uses random perturbations to shake the parameter values out of a local optimum so that globally optimal values may be found.
  18. Have the ionic exchange, disinfect, adsorb the organic matter, quality of lime and anneal aqua The function of the quality makes the fluid matter alkalization.
  19. For erbium ion in light-emitting layer with light activated process and other chemical reaction, it is necessary to anneal the devise with high temperature in fabrication process.

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