Use of arresting in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include arresting at the start of sentence, arresting at the end of sentence and arresting in the middle of sentence

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arresting in the middle of sentence

  1. She broke away from the arresting officer.
  2. There's no point in arresting the small fry.
  3. Lisa's story had conjured up an arresting image.
  4. The police blundered badly by arresting the wrong man.
  5. The constable had reasonable grounds for arresting her.
  6. The mountains are the most arresting feature of the glen.
  7. There is in these miniatures an arresting potion of cruelty.
  8. The strange but arresting creatures become instant celebrities.
  9. Police raided the gang's hideout on Thursday, arresting six people.
  10. They responded by arresting politicians under wartime emergency rules.
  11. His need was to be perpetually arresting, radiant with fresh interest.
  12. The police do not use force when arresting people unless it's absolutely necessary.
  13. Police used tear-gas, electric batons and sticks to disperse the crowds, arresting 20.
  14. The police are arresting the small-timers when they should be going for the ringleaders.
  15. Rebel soldiers attacked the island, seizing the capital and arresting government officials.
  16. That may be an arresting statement, but it is hardly an exaggerated description of what they did.
  17. But the most arresting feature is the amazing spire of Meall Mheadhonach at the other end of the ridge.
  18. By arresting the organisation's two top leaders the government and the army have now raised the stakes.
  19. Perhaps the most arresting part of Get Happy is the section on Garland's late youth and early adulthood.
  20. "I'm arresting you on suspicion of illegally possessing drugs(Sentence dictionary), " said the police officer.
  21. His leonine aspect and the mischievous twinkle in his eye made his appearance as arresting as his personality.
  22. After arresting the launch we took off six illegal immigrants and proceeded to Ramsgate together with Spring Flight.
  23. This wired Brad Pitt will grab you, coming on as he does like an oddly arresting visitor from some parallel universe.
  24. As she staggered awkwardly, he grabbed firm hold of the sagging pyjama-jacket, arresting her flight as he held her there.
  25. Stuyvesant responded by laying hands on To bias Feake, who delivered the document, arresting and eventually banishing him.
  26. Despite a lifestyle stripped to the bare essentials, they are also some of the most visually arresting animals in the desert.
  27. However, the ordinary member of the public can not go around arresting cyclists and homeless persons and so on under section 25.
  28. This identification was emphasized in 1483 when Gloucester took the precaution of arresting lord Stanley as a prelude to his usurpation.

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