Use of author in Sentences. 46 Examples

The examples include author at the start of sentence, author at the end of sentence and author in the middle of sentence

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author at the start of sentence

  1. Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.
  2. Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.

author at the end of sentence

  1. Nothomb is a Belgian author.
  2. Nothomb is a Belgian author.
  3. Mark Twain is my favorite author.
  4. Tom is quite familiar with the author.
  5. Tom is quite familiar with the author.
  6. The book has a preface written by the author.
  7. Haruki Murakami is Japan's best-selling author.
  8. The volume had been personally inscribed by the author.
  9. We should group together all the books by the same author.
  10. The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.
  11. The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.

author in the middle of sentence

  1. Like author, like book.
  2. Like author, like book.
  3. The author of the article is nameless.
  4. The author of the article is nameless.
  5. The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.
  6. He is the author of two books on French history.
  7. He is the author of two books on French history.
  8. The author mentioned it in the previous paragraph.
  9. The author mentioned it in the previous paragraph.
  10. The book catapulted the author into fame overnight.
  11. The book catapulted the author into fame overnight.
  12. The author picks the same theme up again on page ten.
  13. The author picks the same theme up again on page ten.
  14. Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.
  15. Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.
  16. The author prefers to hide behind a cloak of anonymity.
  17. The author prefers to hide behind a cloak of anonymity.
  18. The author is going to adapt his stories for television.
  19. The author is going to adapt his stories for television.
  20. The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.
  21. After the play they called for the author to show himself.
  22. After the play they called for the author to show himself.
  23. The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.
  24. The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.
  25. The author belongs among the romance writers more than among the novelists.
  26. The author belongs among the romance writers more than among the novelists.
  27. In his preface, the author says that he took eight years to write the book.
  28. In his preface, the author says that he took eight years to write the book.
  29. He was an eighteenth-century author who wrote parodies of other people's works.
  30. He was an eighteenth-century author who wrote parodies of other people's works.
  31. Martin Parry, author of the report, says it's time for concerted action by world leaders.
  32. The TV series 'An Angel at my Table' was based on the autobiographies of the New Zealand author Janet Frame.
  33. The TV series 'An Angel at my Table' was based on the autobiographies of the New Zealand author Janet Frame.

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