Use of backbite in Sentences. 10 Examples

The examples include backbite at the start of sentence, backbite at the end of sentence and backbite in the middle of sentence

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backbite in the middle of sentence

  1. He is the person who backbites.
  2. He is the person who backbites.
  3. A lot of backbiting goes on in our office.
  4. All this backbiting is destroying company morale.
  5. He was tired of all the backbiting and gossip in the office.
  6. He was tired of all the backbiting and gossip in the office.
  7. A feral world of backbiting malice, veiled threats, liars and blackmailers.
  8. A feral world of backbiting malice, veiled threats, liars and blackmailers.
  9. I do not enjoy pulling rank, but I do not tolerate unmanly gossip and back-biting.
  10. What they have done, however, is turn the sleepy municipal bond industry into a caldron of backbiting and finger-pointing.

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