1) barrenNoun
An uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation. The barrens of central Africa. The trackless wastes of the desert. | غیر مزروعہ اور بنجر زمین بنجر |
2) barren |
Providing no shelter or sustenance. Bare rocky hills. Barren lands. The bleak treeless regions of the high Andes. The desolate surface of the moon. A stark landscape. | بے سایہ ویران چٹیل |
3) barren |
Not bearing offspring. A barren woman. Learned early in his marriage that he was sterile. | بانجھ |
4) barren |
Completely wanting or lacking. Writing barren of insight. Young recruits destitute of experience. Innocent of literary merit. The sentence was devoid of meaning. | محتاج |