Use of beneficiary in Sentences. 41 Examples

The examples include beneficiary at the start of sentence, beneficiary at the end of sentence and beneficiary in the middle of sentence

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beneficiary at the end of sentence

  1. A trust that named Helen LaChance as trustee and Sam as beneficiary.
  2. But when their baby son was born, they forgot to add the boy as a beneficiary.
  3. They can also delegate to one or more of their co-trustees, but not to a beneficiary.
  4. They can also delegate to one or more of their co-trustees, but not to a beneficiary.

beneficiary in the middle of sentence

  1. He was the main beneficiary of his father's will.
  2. He was the main beneficiary of his father's will.
  3. Her husband was the chief beneficiary of her will.
  4. He was the chief beneficiary of his father's will.
  5. She was the sole beneficiary of her father's will.
  6. Who will be the main beneficiary of the cuts in income tax?
  7. Both sides, the benefactor and beneficiary, were equally needy.
  8. Celsus, however, twice refers to the beneficiary as a legatee.
  9. Celsus, however, twice refers to the beneficiary as a legatee.
  10. In practice the opposition was the beneficiary of the parity reform.
  11. The national theatre will be the main beneficiary of the millionaire's largesse.
  12. One clear beneficiary is labor unions, which tend to represent high-wage workers.
  13. Then we spend our money on software whose main beneficiary is the computer itself.
  14. The main beneficiary in both cases was the head of the family, Anthony earl Rivers.
  15. The main beneficiary in both cases was the head of the family, Anthony earl Rivers.
  16. It was not obvious, however, that Labour would be the main beneficiary of this change.
  17. It was not obvious, however, that Labour would be the main beneficiary of this change.
  18. I mean, wouldn't a nice tortoise be a more worthy beneficiary than the reptilian Jamie?
  19. I mean, wouldn't a nice tortoise be a more worthy beneficiary than the reptilian Jamie?
  20. If the trust is due at once, the beneficiary can claim with priority over other creditors.
  21. There were also stories circulating that he had been the beneficiary of Marian apparitions.
  22. The main beneficiary of it was the agricultural worker and the principal loser the landowner.
  23. The main beneficiary of it was the agricultural worker and the principal loser the landowner.
  24. He was a major beneficiary of the video boom and used his profits to diversify and expand abroad.
  25. A diagnostic colon test, which costs the average beneficiary $ 164, would carry a price tag of $ 79.
  26. A week later Adam got a letter saying he was the sole beneficiary under the will of his late great-uncle.
  27. A week later Adam got a letter saying he was the sole beneficiary under the will of his late great-uncle.
  28. In practice, beneficiary households have to pool their meager grants in order to buy a farm from a willing seller.
  29. The Secretary of State is clearly a beneficiary of the legislation; the powers bestowed on that office have grown considerably.
  30. The Secretary of State is clearly a beneficiary of the legislation; the powers bestowed on that office have grown considerably.
  31. MacDonald also had condemned the Lloyd George coalition as corrupt and unprincipled and had been a major beneficiary of its fall.
  32. MacDonald also had condemned the Lloyd George coalition as corrupt and unprincipled and had been a major beneficiary of its fall.
  33. Paradoxically, the other major beneficiary from apparent disillusion with the established parties was the far right Front national.
  34. Paradoxically, the other major beneficiary from apparent disillusion with the established parties was the far right Front national.
  35. The extent to which fiduciary duties are modified will depend on what precisely is disclosed and to what the beneficiary has consented.
  36. Throughout the 1930s the Conservative Party was the great beneficiary of the popular support for the National governments which were formed.
  37. Throughout the 1930s the Conservative Party was the great beneficiary of the popular support for the National governments which were formed.

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