Use of billet in Sentences. 42 Examples

The examples include billet at the start of sentence, billet at the end of sentence and billet in the middle of sentence

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billet at the end of sentence

  1. Every bullet has its billet.
  2. Every bullet has its billet.
  3. The utility model discloses a vacuum brick press in rotary-feed type towards the bottom, relating to the machine which presses the mud to be the brick billet.

billet in the middle of sentence

  1. Ton billet en 1 ere direction l'univers.
  2. Ton billet en 1 ere direction l'univers.
  3. Many citizens billet the soldiers in their homes.
  4. Many citizens billet the soldiers in their homes.
  5. He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house.
  6. He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house.
  7. We fixed up an old officers' billet and made our club.
  8. It was the best way to make a snug billet for himself.
  9. It was the best way to make a snug billet for himself.
  10. We fixed up an old officers' billet and made our club.
  11. We arrange with the townspeople to billet the students.
  12. Soldiers were billet ed in all the houses of the village.
  13. Many citizens were happy to billet the soldiers in their homes.
  14. Many citizens were happy to billet the soldiers in their homes.
  15. Fundamentalists are looking for a billet back before the Enlightenment.
  16. CNC billet aluminum bell cranks transfer servo motion to the swashplate.
  17. After some cheering words to them, Weir went back to his billet and lay down.
  18. After some cheering words to them, Weir went back to his billet and lay down.
  19. The Synergy N 9 rotor head features composite blade grips and a CNC billet aluminum head block.
  20. The Synergy N 9 rotor head features composite blade grips and a CNC billet aluminum head block.
  21. There is a billet tunnel in the straightening region, which is made of water cooled heat barrier plates.
  22. There is a billet tunnel in the straightening region, which is made of water cooled heat barrier plates.
  23. Application status of a new homemade coating steel billet in high temperature dynamic process was introduced.
  24. Application status of a new homemade coating steel billet in high temperature dynamic process was introduced.
  25. The billet has to be highly dense and of high integrity and will be used to make new kilogram mass standards.
  26. It purchased a used ladle furnace and billet caster from Soci é t é M é tallurgique de Normandie in France.
  27. It is concluded that the original crack of billet is the root of the side longitudinal crack of jobbing sheet .
  28. A sly grin crossed his face as he thought of an alternative billet in which to spend what remained of the night.
  29. The billet discharge roller table of each strand is driven by 1 set of driving device, and is comprised of 9 rollers.
  30. The billet discharge roller table of each strand is driven by 1 set of driving device, and is comprised of 9 rollers.
  31. True pearlite interlamellar spacing of 82B steel billet can be obtained according to the results of vertical lamellar.
  32. True pearlite interlamellar spacing of 82B steel billet can be obtained according to the results of vertical lamellar.
  33. The technical requirement of oxidation resistant coatings steel billet in high temperature dynamic process was analyzed.
  34. Recently, Noble Metals received an order to produce a large 10% Iridium/Platinum billet from which 10-1 kilo weights will be made.
  35. The supply of raw material, billet and scrap, the processing period and the receivable period are all covered under the supplier credit arrangements.
  36. The supply of raw material, billet and scrap, the processing period and the receivable period are all covered under the supplier credit arrangements.
  37. Moreover, there is no pollution by burst product. Making use of the electrolyzing oxyhydrogen flame for the billet cutting has remarkable economic and soc...
  38. It elaborates on the movable flash welder, clamping and feed equipment, upsetting equipment, welding transformer and transformer cooling water pump station in billet welding.
  39. It elaborates on the movable flash welder, clamping and feed equipment, upsetting equipment, welding transformer and transformer cooling water pump station in billet welding.

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