Use of blouse in Sentences. 40 Examples

The examples include blouse at the start of sentence, blouse at the end of sentence and blouse in the middle of sentence

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blouse at the end of sentence

  1. She wears a silk blouse.
  2. She buttoned up her blouse.
  3. She hurriedly buttoned her blouse.
  4. She was wearing a skirt and blouse.
  5. She was wearing a skirt and blouse.
  6. She undid the buttons of her blouse.
  7. She dressed a transparent silk blouse.
  8. She had begun to unbutton her blouse.
  9. Damn, I've spilt coffee down my blouse!
  10. Damn, I've spilt coffee down my blouse!
  11. Will you please mend the sleeve of my blouse?
  12. She was wearing a lurid orange and green blouse.

blouse in the middle of sentence

  1. Ruth's blouse matches her skirt.
  2. Wash the blouse in warm soapy water.
  3. Wash the blouse in warm soapy water.
  4. Her blouse and skirt match up nicely.
  5. The blouse clung damply to her skin.
  6. I couldn't find the blouse in my size.
  7. I couldn't find the blouse in my size.
  8. I can't wear this blouse. It's creased.
  9. Her blouse was practically transparent!
  10. Her blouse was practically transparent!
  11. I can't wear this blouse. It's creased.
  12. The blouse had a demurely high neckline.
  13. She dipped the blouse into the hot water.
  14. She dipped the blouse into the hot water.
  15. The shirt and blouse are a perfect match.
  16. A yellow blouse goes with her blonde hair.
  17. This skirt matches this blouse, doesn't it?
  18. This skirt matches this blouse, doesn't it?
  19. This skirt and this blouse go together well.
  20. Top right: silk blouse £195 from Harrods.
  21. She wore a white blouse and a plain black skirt.
  22. She wore a white blouse and a plain black skirt.
  23. Her blouse has a ruffle of lace around the neck.
  24. The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.
  25. She was wearing a white blouse with frills at the cuffs.
  26. She was wearing a white blouse with frills at the cuffs.
  27. You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.
  28. You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.

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