Use of boaster in Sentences. 9 Examples

The examples include boaster at the start of sentence, boaster at the end of sentence and boaster in the middle of sentence

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boaster in the middle of sentence

  1. Great boaster , little doer.
  2. Great boasters, little doers.
  3. Great boasters, little doers.
  4. B boaster and a liar are cousins - german.
  5. He himself was a bad commander, a boaster and ruffian.
  6. He himself was a bad commander, a boaster and ruffian.
  7. The best way to cure a boaster is by putting his words to the test.
  8. A boaster and a liar are cousins - german .5 . Between friends all is common .5. Fools grow without watering.
  9. A boaster and a liar are cousins - german .5 . Between friends all is common .5. Fools grow without watering.

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