Use of booking in Sentences. 51 Examples

The examples include booking at the start of sentence, booking at the end of sentence and booking in the middle of sentence

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booking at the end of sentence

  1. She's in charge of booking.
  2. She's in charge of booking.
  3. I'm calling to confirm my booking .
  4. Can you write and confirm your booking?
  5. Can you write and confirm your booking?
  6. There was a mix-up over the hotel booking.
  7. There was a mix-up over the hotel booking.

booking in the middle of sentence

  1. No advance booking is necessary.
  2. Several tourists were booking in.
  3. Several tourists were booking in.
  4. All booking must be made by post.
  5. We made the booking three months ago.
  6. We made the booking three months ago.
  7. I made a booking for two double rooms.
  8. I made a booking for two double rooms.
  9. Early booking is strongly recommended.
  10. Early booking is strongly recommended.
  11. Is your holiday a reserved booking, sir?
  12. Is your holiday a reserved booking, sir?
  13. I made the booking through a travel agent.
  14. I made the booking through a travel agent.
  15. Can I make a booking for Friday afternoon?
  16. Can I make a booking for Friday afternoon?
  17. Tickets are on sale from the booking office.
  18. Tickets are on sale from the booking office.
  19. A late booking may involve you in extra cost.
  20. Complete the booking form on the opposite page .
  21. Early booking is essential, as space is limited.
  22. Early booking is essential, as space is limited.
  23. Complete the booking form on the opposite page .
  24. The booking will be made on receipt of a deposit.
  25. The booking will be made on receipt of a deposit.
  26. There's a 50 pence booking charge for each ticket.
  27. The booking office sells tickets 3 days in advance.
  28. The booking office sells tickets 3 days in advance.
  29. No advance booking is necessary on most departures.
  30. No advance booking is necessary on most departures.
  31. Please indicate your preference on the booking form.
  32. Please indicate your preference on the booking form.
  33. Always insist upon seeing your room before booking in.
  34. Always insist upon seeing your room before booking in.
  35. The airline suggests booking tickets 21 days in advance.
  36. Further details and booking forms are available on request.
  37. Further details and booking forms are available on request.
  38. Your booking will automatically lapse unless you confirm it.
  39. Your booking will automatically lapse unless you confirm it.
  40. He picked up his first booking for a 45th-minute foul on Bull.
  41. After booking into our hotel, we went straight down to the beach.
  42. After booking into our hotel, we went straight down to the beach.
  43. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.
  44. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.

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intrinsic -
دَرونی ۔ پَیدائشی ۔
قُدرَتی ۔ حَقیقی ۔ اندَر ۔
اندَر میں سے حَقیقی,
Belonging to a thing by its very nature