Use of brunt in Sentences. 41 Examples

The examples include brunt at the start of sentence, brunt at the end of sentence and brunt in the middle of sentence

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brunt in the middle of sentence

  1. I had to bear the brunt of his anger.
  2. Our office bears the brunt of the work.
  3. The car took the full brunt of the explosion.
  4. The car took the full brunt of the explosion.
  5. The south has borne the brunt of the recession.
  6. The south has borne the brunt of the recession.
  7. A child's head tends to take the brunt of any fall.
  8. His secretary has to bear the brunt of his temper.
  9. His secretary has to bear the brunt of his temper.
  10. Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment.
  11. The doctor took the full brunt of Moran's resentment.
  12. It's the little people who bear the brunt of taxation.
  13. The prime minister has taken the brunt of the criticism.
  14. Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.
  15. Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.
  16. Small companies are feeling the full brunt of the recession.
  17. The infantry have taken/borne the brunt of the missile attacks.
  18. And apparently their daughter Betty is bearing the brunt of it.
  19. And apparently their daughter Betty is bearing the brunt of it.
  20. The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.
  21. Black people continue to bear the brunt of most racial violence .
  22. The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.
  23. Black people continue to bear the brunt of most racial violence .
  24. That poor innocent little child has taken the brunt of everything.
  25. The front of the car, and those in it, took the brunt of the impact.
  26. Webs of bilateral deals protect them from the full brunt of competition.
  27. After her death they certainly took the full brunt, Silvio in particular.
  28. After her death they certainly took the full brunt, Silvio in particular.
  29. So far, women have borne the brunt of the responsibility for birth control.
  30. A recent report showed how older workers bear the brunt of economic recession.
  31. In previous downturns, blue-collar manufacturing workers bore the brunt of job losses.
  32. In previous downturns, blue-collar manufacturing workers bore the brunt of job losses.
  33. As I found out later, a metal necklace he was wearing had taken the full brunt of the lightning flash.
  34. As I found out later, a metal necklace he was wearing had taken the full brunt of the lightning flash.
  35. The survey bore out recent observations that smaller companies were bearing the brunt of bad debts and late payment.
  36. They have both carried the burden of bearing the brunt for Britain in international competition for the last decade and more.
  37. The social work department bore the brunt of the violence between December 1991 and November 1992, with 272 incidents recorded.
  38. Wages and membership will be sticky in response to iso-elastic demand shifts, while employment bears the brunt of the adjustment.18 5.3.
  39. Wages and membership will be sticky in response to iso-elastic demand shifts, while employment bears the brunt of the adjustment.18 5.3.
  40. Grievances were felt particularly strongly by migrant workers who bore the brunt of the hardship because they were almost completely unorganized.
  41. Grievances were felt particularly strongly by migrant workers who bore the brunt of the hardship because they were almost completely unorganized.

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