Use of buckshot in Sentences. 14 Examples

The examples include buckshot at the start of sentence, buckshot at the end of sentence and buckshot in the middle of sentence

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buckshot at the end of sentence

  1. The cell contains two types of silicon spheres about as big as buckshot.
  2. The pistol she kept under her seat, on the other hand, was loaded with buckshot.
  3. The pistol she kept under her seat, on the other hand, was loaded with buckshot.
  4. The local people naturally defend their crops, usually with totally inadequate weapons such as ancient shotguns loaded with buckshot.
  5. She adds, "An admiral I know is fond of saying, 'When it comes to energy, there is no silver bullet — there is only silver buckshot.'

buckshot in the middle of sentence

  1. Of the ten animals successfully darted, nine had buckshot or bullet wounds.
  2. His chest and cheek the most repulsive sight, a negative constellation of buckshot bruises.
  3. Hence buckshot LeFonque, a group devoted to the idea of making pigeonholes a thing of the past.
  4. Hence buckshot LeFonque, a group devoted to the idea of making pigeonholes a thing of the past.
  5. The Shot Pistol has two barrels and fires buckshot rounds creating a wider firing cone and high damage up close.
  6. The Shot Pistol has two barrels and fires buckshot rounds creating a wider firing cone and high damage up close.
  7. Fires a wide spray of buckshot capable of great damage at close range with decreasing effectiveness based on distance from target.
  8. One spaniel charged a porcupine five times — with a cost to remove the quills at $250 per poke. Another dog had buckshot removed from its hindquarters.
  9. One spaniel charged a porcupine five times — with a cost to remove the quills at $250 per poke. Another dog had buckshot removed from its hindquarters.

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