Use of buttress in Sentences. 41 Examples

The examples include buttress at the start of sentence, buttress at the end of sentence and buttress in the middle of sentence

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buttress at the end of sentence

  1. There was a narrow stone path, Alexei now saw, around the base of the promontory beyond the buttress.

buttress in the middle of sentence

  1. More details from Derrick buttress on.
  2. He a buttress against extremism in the party.
  3. He a buttress against extremism in the party.
  4. It was decided to buttress the crumbling walls.
  5. It was decided to buttress the crumbling walls.
  6. The evidence seemed to buttress their argument.
  7. The government intends to buttress up its power.
  8. The government intends to buttress up its power.
  9. Kotkin gave statistics to buttress his argument.
  10. Kotkin gave statistics to buttress his argument.
  11. He was a buttress against extremism in the party.
  12. I don't think they have any buttress behind them.
  13. I don't think they have any buttress behind them.
  14. You need more facts to buttress up your argument.
  15. You need more facts to buttress up your argument.
  16. More government spending is needed to buttress industry.
  17. More government spending is needed to buttress industry.
  18. A flying buttress transmits thrust rather then resisting it.
  19. However, the sites are usually near a buttress or a fallen bole.
  20. However, the sites are usually near a buttress or a fallen bole.
  21. All are lofty with high vaults supported by flying buttress schemes.
  22. Try to buttress the points you make in these chapters with some details.
  23. Try to buttress the points you make in these chapters with some details.
  24. A climb to savour, Moyer's buttress deserves its place as a classic gritstone E1.
  25. A climb to savour, Moyer's buttress deserves its place as a classic gritstone E1.
  26. Sassenach was created, the great buttress climbed, as it should be, direct from top to bottom.
  27. For centuries it has been a buttress against the onslaught of Chaos from the wastes to the north.
  28. The sharp increase in crime seems to buttress the argument for more police officers on the street.
  29. The surety covenant is given as a support or buttress to covenants given by a tenant to a landlord.
  30. It was a dead sheep, caught on the buttress of the bridge, and its dark-swollen face was fish-nibbled.
  31. Our architect, the appropriately named Donald buttress, devised an ingenious means of resolving the problem.
  32. Our architect, the appropriately named Donald buttress, devised an ingenious means of resolving the problem.
  33. There is plenty of lore and legend from Whitehall and Westminster to buttress the case for an imperious premiership.
  34. I remember leaving a ledge to abseil down Scafell's East buttress once only to realise I was falling out of control.
  35. And the government's recent promise to give the central bank independence should buttress its authority in the markets.
  36. Three hours later I came across Mark huddled underneath a small buttress about 50 metres below the summit of Les Courtes.
  37. MacDonald was able to buttress his claims with impressive studies of automobile and truck traffic conducted by state road engineers.
  38. Fortunately, there is a battery of leftist anti-smoking arguments to buttress flagging resolve, which the rightwinger can't call upon.
  39. Fortunately, there is a battery of leftist anti-smoking arguments to buttress flagging resolve, which the rightwinger can't call upon.
  40. What many such individuals have done is to use their superior spatial abilities to buttress their weaker verbal pattern comprehension abilities.

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