Use of bystander in Sentences. 40 Examples

The examples include bystander at the start of sentence, bystander at the end of sentence and bystander in the middle of sentence

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bystander at the end of sentence

  1. She had thought to remain a bystander.
  2. She had thought to remain a bystander.
  3. So you were just an innocent bystander?
  4. You are not some disinterested bystander.
  5. You are not some disinterested bystander.
  6. The rest of the world was just a bystander.
  7. The rest of the world was just a bystander.
  8. Jack Sparrow: I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
  9. By invitation he was there,(.com/bystander.html) a perplexed bystander.
  10. Externality the impact of one person's actions on the well - being of a bystander.
  11. Externality the impact of one person's actions on the well - being of a bystander.
  12. In his work, Ling Jian does not record or observe the objects unfeelingly from a standpoint of a bystander.
  13. Police Officer Jack Wronski said two of the victims were known gang members; the other was an innocent bystander.
  14. Police Officer Jack Wronski said two of the victims were known gang members; the other was an innocent bystander.

bystander in the middle of sentence

  1. I am always a bystander when danger comes.
  2. An innocent bystander kneeled over. Poor sap.
  3. An innocent bystander kneeled over. Poor sap.
  4. Saudi Arabia as a bystander did not have that luxury.
  5. A bystander asked Johnny if he was going to arrest Diamond.
  6. I don't claim to have been a passive bystander in all this.
  7. I don't claim to have been a passive bystander in all this.
  8. A bystander was killed when she was caught in the crossfire.
  9. A bystander was killed when she was caught in the crossfire.
  10. It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.
  11. " Here you are, " remarked a bystander, putting a coin into his hand.
  12. The Sarcastic bystander: There! I knowed he was a plain - clothes copper.
  13. The Sarcastic bystander: There! I knowed he was a plain - clothes copper.
  14. It is stated by a bystander that his trousers and gloves had been changed.
  15. It is stated by a bystander that his trousers and gloves had been changed.
  16. Vascular adventitia: bystander, active player or trigger for atherosclerosis?
  17. Fifty persons had been injured and a newspaperman and a white bystander killed.
  18. HIV replication kills productively infected CD 4 + T lymphocytes and innocent bystander cells.
  19. Because the innocent bystander wandering into frame is, predictably, the delicious Riva herself.
  20. Because the innocent bystander wandering into frame is, predictably, the delicious Riva herself.
  21. When a patrolman struck a bystander ith a billy club, the crowd began throwing objects at the police.
  22. Objective To study the role of bystander effect in the cytocidal activity of TK/GCV against tumor cells.
  23. Kambule claims he was just a bystander when the shooting occurred, a kid in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  24. Objective To study the effects E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase suicide gene on human gastric cancer MKN-45 cells as well as the bystander effect.
  25. Conclusion bystander effect plays an important role in the cytocidal activity of TK/GCV against tumor cells, and is quite relative to intercellular contact.
  26. Conclusion bystander effect plays an important role in the cytocidal activity of TK/GCV against tumor cells, and is quite relative to intercellular contact.

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