Use of cane in Sentences. 46 Examples

The examples include cane at the start of sentence, cane at the end of sentence and cane in the middle of sentence

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cane at the end of sentence

  1. We heard the swish of a cane.
  2. He switched the boy with a cane.
  3. He switched the boy with a cane.
  4. He's recently affected a hat and cane.
  5. Many teachers wish to abolish the cane.
  6. Many teachers wish to abolish the cane.
  7. Bamboo produces an annual crop of cane.
  8. Bamboo produces an annual crop of cane.
  9. His punishment was six strokes of the cane.
  10. Many farmers are refusing to harvest the cane.
  11. Many farmers are refusing to harvest the cane.
  12. He clutched a top hat and a silver-topped cane.
  13. He clutched a top hat and a silver-topped cane.
  14. He held out his hand unflinchingly for the cane.
  15. He held out his hand unflinchingly for the cane.
  16. He swished off the tops of the nettles with his cane.
  17. He swished off the tops of the grasses with his cane.
  18. Sugar is obtained by crushing and processing sugar cane.
  19. Sugar is obtained by crushing and processing sugar cane.
  20. Children knew that if they misbehaved they would get the cane .
  21. Children knew that if they misbehaved they would get the cane .

cane in the middle of sentence

  1. Sugar cane is refined into sugar.
  2. Sugar cane is refined into sugar.
  3. They can cane ten chairs in a week.
  4. They can cane ten chairs in a week.
  5. His cane answered for a baseball bat.
  6. He clutched the cane in his clammy hand.
  7. He clutched the cane in his clammy hand.
  8. Anselm: it was his arms, in a cane roller.
  9. This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy.
  10. This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy.
  11. He sports an ivory - handled cane these days.
  12. He sports an ivory - handled cane these days.
  13. He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.
  14. A quick cane easing the candy over the railing.
  15. A quick cane easing the candy over the railing.
  16. He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air.
  17. Never empty ashes into cane or rush wastepaper baskets.
  18. Never empty ashes into cane or rush wastepaper baskets.
  19. In old days, teachers were used to cane the pupils as a punishment.
  20. In old days, teachers were used to cane the pupils as a punishment.
  21. He unconsciously switched a tree with his cane when he talked to her.
  22. He unconsciously switched a tree with his cane when he talked to her.
  23. He was not able to walk without a cane and could only navigate steps backwards.
  24. She eventually used a cane, then a walker, and finally was confined to the house.
  25. Until the 1980s some criminals were still flogged with a rattan cane as a punishment.

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