Use of capsule in Sentences. 40 Examples

The examples include capsule at the start of sentence, capsule at the end of sentence and capsule in the middle of sentence

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capsule at the end of sentence

  1. The astronauts work and live in the space capsule.
  2. The astronauts work and live in the space capsule.
  3. To avoid capture by the enemy, he swallowed a cyanide capsule.
  4. The external crown, if present, is compressed and so there is only a narrow opening into the buccal capsule.
  5. Music greeted us when we walked through the old swinging doors, original doors that led to the Delaney time capsule.

capsule in the middle of sentence

  1. The capsule gets very hot on re-entry.
  2. The capsule gets very hot on re-entry.
  3. The space capsule came down in the ocean.
  4. The space capsule came down in the ocean.
  5. Vitamin C can be taken in capsule or tablet form .
  6. The doctor advised me to take a capsule this morning.
  7. The medicine can be taken in tablet or capsule form.
  8. The medicine can be taken in tablet or capsule form.
  9. The doctor advised me to take a capsule this morning.
  10. The drug is now available in tablet and capsule form.
  11. The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.
  12. A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.
  13. The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.
  14. A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.
  15. You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B.
  16. You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B.
  17. The little green-and-beige capsule needs no introduction.
  18. Alternatively, it can be taken in tablet or capsule form.
  19. The nose of the space capsule is protected by a heat shield.
  20. The nose of the space capsule is protected by a heat shield.
  21. Inside the airtight iron capsule, it was a different story.
  22. A spark occurred and the inside of the capsule turned into a blowtorch.
  23. A spark occurred and the inside of the capsule turned into a blowtorch.
  24. This tiny capsule contains two types of effective painkilling ingredients.
  25. She broke open the capsule, which had no brand name on it, and filled the syringe.
  26. To give a concrete example, consider the capsule to be falling radially toward the Earth.
  27. "The Scarlet capsule" was a parody of the popular 1959 TV series "The Quatermass Experiment".
  28. The adult dose is two capsules at once, followed by a capsule hourly, up to a maximum of five.
  29. There was just her and him and this voyage: a capsule of time separate from their normal lives.
  30. Alternatively the capsule might be drifting in the weak gravitational field of intergalactic space.
  31. Man and algae sealed in the capsule divorced themselves from the wide net woven by the rest of life.
  32. One capsule of the good stuff can be split into several capsules and mixed with assorted cutting agents.
  33. Each capsule contains between 30 and 100 pellets of morphine sulphate according to the strength of dose required.
  34. Each capsule contains between 30 and 100 pellets of morphine sulphate according to the strength of dose required.
  35. According to the proximity readout, the capsule was only a kilometre or so from contact with the surface of Tarvaras.

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