Use of chic in Sentences. 41 Examples

The examples include chic at the start of sentence, chic at the end of sentence and chic in the middle of sentence

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chic at the start of sentence

  1. Chic Sea-shells in the saleroom Paris, Ader-Tajan, 14 December.
  2. Chic Sea-shells in the saleroom Paris, Ader-Tajan, 14 December.

chic at the end of sentence

  1. She always looks very chic.
  2. She's got that Parisian chic.
  3. She's got that Parisian chic.
  4. She wears her clothes with chic.
  5. She wears her clothes with chic.
  6. I think your hat is rather chic.
  7. I think your hat is rather chic.
  8. I like your haircut - it's very chic.
  9. Her gown was very French and very chic.
  10. He thought she was perfect, the height of chic.
  11. British politicians are not renowned for their chic.
  12. Nor, for that matter, can family life be a question of chic.
  13. Nor, for that matter, can family life be a question of chic.
  14. The design team creates beaded extravaganzas that are truly chic.
  15. When push comes to shove, however, most voters shy from outsider chic.
  16. When push comes to shove, however, most voters shy from outsider chic.

chic in the middle of sentence

  1. I like your chic hat.
  2. I like your chic hat.
  3. She is chic and witty.
  4. She was in chic khaki.
  5. She bought a chic little hat.
  6. She bought a chic little hat.
  7. She is always so chic, so elegant.
  8. So you can be chic as you get slim!
  9. She was wearing a chic little number.
  10. She was wearing a chic little number.
  11. Margaret was looking very chic in blue.
  12. How happy how to live, how chic how to live.
  13. How happy how to live, how chic how to live.
  14. They live in a chic apartment overlooking the Seine.
  15. The east side of the city has become very chic in the past few years.
  16. The east side of the city has become very chic in the past few years.
  17. When biker chic turned up at ladies' luncheons, the young were pressed to find a new look.
  18. When biker chic turned up at ladies' luncheons, the young were pressed to find a new look.
  19. The choice in shopping ranges from department stores to chic boutiques. curios to high fashion.
  20. At his side in public Jackie's air of sophistication and chic cultural warmth complemented it perfectly.
  21. The constant references to Hammett, Chandler and Casablanca, supposed to be chic, are simply commonplaces.
  22. In the pre-punk 1970s, before working-class chic peaked, hipsters at art school would have out-posed middle-class Ruby.
  23. They've scoured their record collections for their favourite chic embellishments soas to enhance the luxury commodity aura of their product.

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