Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of cockeyed

cockeyed meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of cockeyed in Sentence [10 examples]

1) cockeyed

Turned or twisted toward one side.
A...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry.
His wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff.
غیر توازن
مڑا ہوا

2) cockeyed

Incongruous;inviting ridicule.
The absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework.
That`s a cockeyed idea.
Ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer.
A contribution so small as to be laughable.
It is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion.
A preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history.
Her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous.
مضحکہ خیز

3) cockeyed

Very drunk.
شراب کے نشے میں دھت

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