Use of coiffure in Sentences. 20 Examples

The examples include coiffure at the start of sentence, coiffure at the end of sentence and coiffure in the middle of sentence

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coiffure at the end of sentence

  1. A hairdo; a coiffure.
  2. Jasper had not called his hair his coiffure.
  3. Now Jezrael saw that Zulei had taken a short blade from the coiffure.
  4. Now Jezrael saw that Zulei had taken a short blade from the coiffure.
  5. The star appeared on stage in a black leather outfit and a 1950s coiffure.
  6. The star appeared on stage in a black leather outfit and a 1950s coiffure.
  7. Reliefs on coins of the young Empress Faustina show her with this coiffure.
  8. Reliefs on coins of the young Empress Faustina show her with this coiffure.
  9. Passing by pedestrians in their Sunday best, I caught wafts of perfume and coiffure.

coiffure in the middle of sentence

  1. Sally's attractive new coiffure was arranged for her by my sister's hair stylist.
  2. Sally's attractive new coiffure was arranged for her by my sister's hair stylist.
  3. Her coiffure and clothes were masterpieces of subtle compromise between fashion and memory.
  4. Her coiffure and clothes were masterpieces of subtle compromise between fashion and memory.
  5. Would her pearls, her coiffure, help her after all endure the presence of her unspeakable brother?
  6. Librans, like Geminis, like to switch it up, and keeping a wig in the coiffure repertoire is one way to do that.
  7. She'd arrived in the sidecar of Miss Brahms's current beau and her coiffure had suffered terrible punishment as a result.
  8. She'd arrived in the sidecar of Miss Brahms's current beau and her coiffure had suffered terrible punishment as a result.
  9. This masculinity was emphasised by her uncompromising coiffure, her grey hair drawn tightly back and screwed into a straggling bun.
  10. This masculinity was emphasised by her uncompromising coiffure, her grey hair drawn tightly back and screwed into a straggling bun.
  11. Natasha unconsciously examined that neck and the shoulders, the pearls, the coiffure of this lady, and admired the beauty of the shoulders and the pearls.

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