Use of containment in Sentences. 39 Examples

The examples include containment at the start of sentence, containment at the end of sentence and containment in the middle of sentence

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containment at the start of sentence

  1. Containment of crowd violence was the police's main concern.
  2. Containment of crowd violence was the police's main concern.
  3. Containment relieves anxiety about strong feelings and impulses getting out of control.
  4. Containment relieves anxiety about strong feelings and impulses getting out of control.

containment at the end of sentence

  1. The problem with Saatchi is cost containment.
  2. The government is pursuing a policy of containment.
  3. Dulles used massive retaliation as the chief instrument of containment.
  4. Dulles used massive retaliation as the chief instrument of containment.
  5. In practice, therefore, Eisenhower and Dulles continued the policy of containment.
  6. In practice, therefore, Eisenhower and Dulles continued the policy of containment.
  7. Until we'd built up sufficient forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a policy of containment.
  8. Nevertheless, new problems of access were appearing on the horizon, as were issues of cost containment.
  9. In contrast, the general view is that disposing of high-level waste must involve isolation and containment.
  10. Eisenhower and Dulles saw such an outcome as a victory for Communist aggression and a failure of containment.
  11. Far from rejecting internationalism and retreating to isolationism, the Republicans were proposing to go beyond containment.
  12. Big bombers carrying nuclear weapons were the means through which he reconciled lower military expenditures with a foreign policy of containment.

containment in the middle of sentence

  1. The policy, in other words, was containment, not rollback.
  2. The immediate emphasis will be on cost containment and cash conservation.
  3. His doctrine, containment, proved to have been a wise choice over the long haul.
  4. Some general managers had been rather unfairly linked with cost containment and cutbacks.
  5. Some general managers had been rather unfairly linked with cost containment and cutbacks.
  6. The crusade against Communism, therefore, took the form of containment rather than attack.
  7. Your list might include such things as cost containment, quality, or customer satisfaction.
  8. Your list might include such things as cost containment, quality, or customer satisfaction.
  9. Fire crews are hoping they can achieve full containment of the fire before the winds pick up.
  10. The firm which had fire-proofed the building got high praise for the containment of the blaze.
  11. The Czechoslovakian coup did two things absolutely necessary for the adoption of the containment policy.
  12. The important question of the containment of head and shoulders within the frame is dealt with variously.
  13. Looking back I think she could hardly have lived anywhere more suited to the containment of her difficulty.
  14. Officials hope to avoid rupturing any fuel rods, which could release deadly radioactive gas into the containment building.
  15. A spill would be especially damaging since equipment normally used for containment could not operate in such shallow waters.
  16. A spill would be especially damaging since equipment normally used for containment could not operate in such shallow waters.
  17. Radioactivity is induced in the metallic containment vessel that surrounds a reactor core by neutrons that escape from the core.
  18. Indeed, for many municipalities a concern with cost containment and with stimulating private investment became a practical necessity.
  19. Indeed, for many municipalities a concern with cost containment and with stimulating private investment became a practical necessity.
  20. Typically, managers focus on operating their area of assigned responsibility for efficiency, cost containment, and compliance with delivery schedules.
  21. Typically, managers focus on operating their area of assigned responsibility for efficiency, cost containment, and compliance with delivery schedules.
  22. Genetically modified organisms: The bill provides for additional safeguards against the import, containment and release of Genetically Modified Organisms.
  23. Genetically modified organisms: The bill provides for additional safeguards against the import, containment and release of Genetically Modified Organisms.

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