Use of cyclic in Sentences. 42 Examples

The examples include cyclic at the start of sentence, cyclic at the end of sentence and cyclic in the middle of sentence

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cyclic at the start of sentence

  1. Cyclic fluctuations in vole populations have been variously interpreted as the result of intrinsic or extrinsic factors by different workers.

cyclic at the end of sentence

  1. Repeat but use left cyclic instead of right cyclic.
  2. Repeat but use left cyclic instead of right cyclic.
  3. The H-23 is famous for the excessive motion of its cyclic.

cyclic in the middle of sentence

  1. The object is no longer in cyclic motion.
  2. The object is no longer in cyclic motion.
  3. The cyclic felt stiff as I corrected for drift.
  4. The unsaturated link occurs in a cyclic system.
  5. The unsaturated link occurs in a cyclic system.
  6. The cyclic model of the universe is clearly attractive.
  7. I put my hand on the wavering cyclic grip between my knees.
  8. I put my hand on the wavering cyclic grip between my knees.
  9. Polyaniline film electrode was synthesised by cyclic voltammogram.
  10. Rocks splintered by centuries of cyclic thaws crumbled under my boots.
  11. Rocks splintered by centuries of cyclic thaws crumbled under my boots.
  12. In general, all female mammals are cyclic, but only some are seasonal.
  13. If we reject cyclic ideas and even uniformitarianism, what have we left?
  14. As I concentrated on keeping us over one spot with the cyclic, we climbed.
  15. First of all, some forward cyclic is needed to initiate the forward movement.
  16. If the model insists on moving forwards, then rear cyclic trim is needed, etc.
  17. Many models require some lateral cyclic input to assist in making a stable flat turn.
  18. If the model repeatedly moves to the right, then left cyclic trim is needed and viceversa.
  19. If the model repeatedly moves to the right, then left cyclic trim is needed and viceversa.
  20. To sum up all of the above in one phrase - cyclic controls speed, throttle controls height.
  21. Their occurrence seems to be cyclic and may well express the evolution of levels of consciousness.
  22. Their occurrence seems to be cyclic and may well express the evolution of levels of consciousness.
  23. Be careful not to apply too much cyclic, however, since this may still cause the model to tip over.
  24. I slid my leg between the cyclic and the front of the seat and lowered myself on to the nylon mesh.
  25. I slid my leg between the cyclic and the front of the seat and lowered myself on to the nylon mesh.
  26. The pilot, realizing that the Jeep was going to ram him, applied the cyclic and tried to lift clear.
  27. These are usually cyclic molecules, containing carbon-carbon bonds and oxygen atoms of general formula.
  28. These are usually cyclic molecules, containing carbon-carbon bonds and oxygen atoms of general formula.
  29. The situation is probably a cyclic one anyway, with man only partly responsible for the present coral massacre.
  30. If there is no ovulation, then there is no corpus luteum formation and no cyclic rise in pregnanediol levels. 347.
  31. If there is no ovulation, then there is no corpus luteum formation and no cyclic rise in pregnanediol levels. 347.
  32. The essence of cyclic structure is similarly straight forward though it is pursued in a distinctly roundabout manner.
  33. In 1880 the first cyclic sulphur-nitrogen free radical - - was prepared as a deep green powder with a metallic lustre.
  34. In 1880 the first cyclic sulphur-nitrogen free radical - - was prepared as a deep green powder with a metallic lustre.
  35. Obviously, you pull the cyclic stick back to lower the tail and impart a rearwards force to stop the forwards movement.
  36. Obviously, you pull the cyclic stick back to lower the tail and impart a rearwards force to stop the forwards movement.
  37. It is also known that, in some central nervous system neurones, second messengers especially cyclic AMPcontrol membrane electrical activity.
  38. It is also known that, in some central nervous system neurones, second messengers especially cyclic AMPcontrol membrane electrical activity.

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