Use of deportment in Sentences. 46 Examples

The examples include deportment at the start of sentence, deportment at the end of sentence and deportment in the middle of sentence

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deportment at the start of sentence

  1. Deportment and poise were as important as good marks for young ladies.
  2. Deportment and poise were as important as good marks for young ladies.

deportment at the end of sentence

  1. He has good deportment.
  2. He is austere and grave in deportment.
  3. He is austere and grave in deportment.
  4. He maintained a hard, careless deportment.
  5. Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment.
  6. I am here to work in a London drama academy, to teach - ah, yes - deportment.
  7. I am here to work in a London drama academy, to teach - ah, yes - deportment.
  8. However, VDIM activates before the threshold to help realize smoother vehicle deportment.
  9. However, VDIM activates before the threshold to help realize smoother vehicle deportment.

deportment in the middle of sentence

  1. His deportment is beautiful.
  2. One's deportment is dignified.
  3. One's deportment is dignified.
  4. lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette.
  5. lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette.
  6. The deportment department was one of the first things to go.
  7. Their rabidly nonconformist deportment has made them legendary.
  8. Their rabidly nonconformist deportment has made them legendary.
  9. Swithin drew his heels together, his deportment ever admirable.
  10. His speech and deportment do not comport with his high position.
  11. His speech and deportment do not comport with his high position.
  12. One peculiarity of the child's deportment remains yet to be told.
  13. One peculiarity of the child's deportment remains yet to be told.
  14. His deportment had now for some weeks been more uniform towards me than at the first.
  15. If the deportment of the Koi is okay, next step is to ask the dealer to bowl the fish.
  16. She has all those additional advantages as nobleness of birth and deportment which I want.
  17. She has all those additional advantages as nobleness of birth and deportment which I want.
  18. They made girls stand up for themselves and neatness, grooming and deportment were important.
  19. They made girls stand up for themselves and neatness, grooming and deportment were important.
  20. Although the Olympic champion has become, but her deportment, that can still feel shy and nervous.
  21. Although the Olympic champion has become, but her deportment, that can still feel shy and nervous.
  22. Miss Moore was a woman of steady deportment, without the least levity of conversation or carriage.
  23. James was no model of deportment anywhere, least of all in his marital and other personal relations.
  24. James was no model of deportment anywhere, least of all in his marital and other personal relations.
  25. Prior to sharing her young mistress's lessons, she received instruction in deportment and etiquette.
  26. Prior to sharing her young mistress's lessons, she received instruction in deportment and etiquette.
  27. The old housekeeper, with a gracious severity of deportment , waves her hand towards the great staircase.
  28. The old housekeeper, with a gracious severity of deportment , waves her hand towards the great staircase.
  29. The fine deportment of different field and the emotion recalling ancientry arouse the people's living interest.
  30. Not only good for the deportment, this exercise frees the hands for programmes, literature and eating cooling icecream.
  31. Their different personalities are reflected in their deportment on court, Davenport's walk far more diffident than Williams's confident strut.
  32. Their different personalities are reflected in their deportment on court, Davenport's walk far more diffident than Williams's confident strut.
  33. It is the third city that is brings New York 's high-strung disposition , its poetical deportment , its dedication to the arts , and its great achievements .
  34. It is the third city that is brings New York 's high-strung disposition , its poetical deportment , its dedication to the arts , and its great achievements .
  35. It is this third city that accounts for New York's high-strung disposition, its poetical deportment, its dedication to the arts, and its incomparable achievements.

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