Use of diddly in Sentences. 10 Examples

The examples include diddly at the start of sentence, diddly at the end of sentence and diddly in the middle of sentence

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diddly at the end of sentence

  1. Safe government bonds paid diddly.
  2. There's no point in asking Ellen - she doesn't know diddly.

diddly in the middle of sentence

  1. We don't know diddly squat .
  2. He hasn't done diddly all day.
  3. She doesn't know diddly about it.
  4. Brad? He doesn't know diddly about baseball.
  5. He gave me diddly squat for all my hard work.
  6. Bradley doesn't know diddly about running his own business.
  7. I have run sales organizations that couldn't sell diddly, and others that grew to $20 million.
  8. A good vacuuming will get up the sand and other loose debris from your car's carpeting, but it won't do diddly for stains or ground-in dirt.

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آدمی میں ۴۶ سے ایک زائد کَروموسوم کا ہونا یَعنی ۴۷ کَروموسوز کا ہونا سَہ مورثیت
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