Use of digraph in Sentences. 27 Examples

The examples include digraph at the start of sentence, digraph at the end of sentence and digraph in the middle of sentence

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digraph at the end of sentence

  1. We shall abbreviate'directed graph'to digraph.
  2. The algorithm is also suitable to an Eulerian digraph.
  3. Line 1 declares your graph, called G, and its type (a digraph).
  4. In this note we give a short proof of enumeration of functional digraph.
  5. There is no good algorithm for finding shortcut in the directed digraph.
  6. Next, we come to the notion of a directed graph, sometimes called a digraph.
  7. According to the target motion state basis at different times, the algorithm can match sub-model-set based on the digraph.

digraph in the middle of sentence

  1. A digraph D is unilateral.
  2. A digraph D is hamiltonian if D contains a hamilton directed cycle.
  3. A fast algorithm for generating Chinese word segmentation digraph was given.
  4. There fore we study the kings of locally semicomplete digraph by its characterization.
  5. A two-dimensional placement method of minimum area is presented by digraph representation.
  6. The same ideas apply in digraphs, except that all the edges must point in the same direction.
  7. By using Boolean matrix, some results of power convergence exponent of line digraph are given.
  8. Thus, the problem of efficiently finding the basic set of directed circuits in a digraph is solved.
  9. Special primitive two-colored digraphs whose uncolored digraph consist of two cycles arc considered.
  10. Special primitive two-colored digraphs whose uncolored digraph consist of two cycles are considered.
  11. Operator recognizes that the single digraph character and the two individual characters are equivalent.
  12. A strongly connected digraph D is one in which any vertex can be reached from any other vertex by a directed path.
  13. On the basis of the discussions, an algorithm for finding all directed circuits from walk matrix of digraph is presented.
  14. By using the matrix representation of a digraph, some results about the index of convergence and period of a line digraph are obtained.
  15. In this paper, we provide a necessary condition and several sufficient conditions for a digraph to have a pair of disjoint quasi-kernels.
  16. The second is to locate the ones which are isolated in the instant-center digraph or those which are not within any instant-center circuit.
  17. Algorithms searching for a directed Euler tour in a Eulerian digraph and the shortest Euler trial in a non-Eulerian digraph are also developed.
  18. To resolve this contradiction, a variable structure multiple-model algorithm based on digraph switching and unscented Kalman filter is presented.
  19. A semicomplete multipartite digraph is obtained by replacing each edge of a complete multipartite graph by an arc or by a pair of two mutually opposite arcs.
  20. A directed graph, or digraph G consists of a finite nonempty set of vertices V, and a finite set of edges E, where an edge is an ordered pair of vertices in V.

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