1) dirtyVerb
Make soiled, filthy, or dirty. Don't soil your clothes when you play outside! | آلودہ کرنا مٹی سے لت پت کرنا مٹی میں میلے کرنا گندا گندا کرنا گندہ کرنا |
2) dirtyAdjective
Soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime. Dirty unswept sidewalks. A child in dirty overalls. Dirty slums. Piles of dirty dishes. Put his dirty feet on the clean sheet. Wore an unclean shirt. Mining is a dirty job. Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves. | غلیظ نجس ناپاک گندا گندہ |
3) dirtyAdjective
(of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency. Dirty words. A dirty old man. Dirty books and movies. Boys telling dirty jokes. Has a dirty mouth. | غیر مناسب فحش |
4) dirtyAdjective
Spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination. The air near the foundry was always dirty. A dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout. | آلودہ کرنے والا |
5) dirty |
(of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear. Dirty. A dirty (or dingy) white. The muddied grey of the sea. Muddy colors. Dirty-green walls. Dirty-blonde hair. | گندا |
6) dirty |
Obtained illegally or by improper means. Dirty money. Ill-gotten gains. | حرام نامناسب طور پر حاصل کردہ |
7) dirty |
Unethical or dishonest. Dirty police officers. A sordid political campaign. | برا بد عنوان |