Use of distinguishable in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include distinguishable at the start of sentence, distinguishable at the end of sentence and distinguishable in the middle of sentence

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distinguishable at the end of sentence

  1. Those figures are not easily distinguishable.
  2. It was getting light and shapes were more distinguishable.
  3. Already the principal physical features of the future human king are clearly distinguishable.

distinguishable in the middle of sentence

  1. The coast was barely distinguishable in the mist.
  2. The cheese is easily distinguishable by its colour.
  3. His days were barely distinguishable one from another.
  4. The male bird is barely distinguishable from the female.
  5. Is man in any absolute way distinguishable from animals?
  6. The male bird is easily distinguishable from the female.
  7. Interior space is scarcely distinguishable from exterior.
  8. Vipers are distinguishable from other snakes by their markings.
  9. The fake was barely distinguishable from the original painting.
  10. Those two models are not easily distinguishable from each other.
  11. Baddies and goodies became less distinguishable from one another.
  12. By December the quasar should be distinguishable in the night sky.
  13. The animal is easily distinguishable by the black stripes above its eye.
  14. Neither in theory nor in practice is one process distinguishable from the other.
  15. The gentlemen, presumably Dersinghams, were easily distinguishable from the village players.
  16. There are at least twenty distinguishable dialects of the language just on the south island..
  17. It soon established its own organization and meeting houses which were hardly distinguishable from chapels.
  18. Immature distinguishable from other immature skuas by small size, smaller bill and much less white in wings.
  19. Sensual love is distinguishable from identification as a means of establishing emotional ties between two people.
  20. Excellent schools and classrooms are clearly distinguishable by the spirit of community that pervades all they do.
  21. The track continued along the bottom of the ravine but was barely distinguishable among the tumbled ruins of winter.
  22. Apart from her shortness she was hardly distinguishable from the others, except for the largeness of her green eyes.
  23. Two groupings, with barely distinguishable names, have covered Teheran with photographs of bearded men and a few fully veiled women.
  24. On the face of it, this criticism carries the day against any rule utilitarianism which is genuinely distinguishable from act utilitarianism.
  25. Adoption is different from novation and also appears to be distinguishable from merely acting as though the contract were binding on the company.
  26. Patients went through three overlapping, distinguishable stages as they learned to assimilate and adjust to the catastrophic effects of their illness.

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