Use of dormitory in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include dormitory at the start of sentence, dormitory at the end of sentence and dormitory in the middle of sentence

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dormitory at the end of sentence

  1. She lived in a college dormitory.
  2. The boys were settled in their dormitory.
  3. He was reading a math textbook in the dormitory.
  4. The second riot began just after 6 p.m. at a medium security dormitory.
  5. Iris borrowed beds from friends and turned the attic into an impromptu dormitory.
  6. Once you been accepted at the university they promise to accommodate you in a dormitory.
  7. It was a large warehouse that had been converted by the addition of beds into a dormitory.

dormitory in the middle of sentence

  1. Your dormitory is no better than ours.
  2. My dormitory leader presses me to answer.
  3. Freshmen have first dibs on dormitory rooms.
  4. We were housed student-wise in dormitory rooms.
  5. Their sordid dormitory was attacked by hooligans.
  6. Get all those boys into the dormitory, and keep them there.
  7. The walls of his dormitory room were covered with sexy pin - ups.
  8. On a field below a dormitory a desultory soccer game was under way.
  9. Last week I sent my son Robert a photograph for his dormitory room.
  10. The students have barricaded themselves into their dormitory building.
  11. Some of my dormitory mates made dancing motions and twisted in their seats.
  12. Recently people have moved from the city centres to suburbs or dormitory towns.
  13. There was eight girls, all pregnant, all locked up in one big dormitory, smoking.
  14. The beds in the dormitory pull down from the wall and have hard plastic mattresses.
  15. Soldiers sleep four or six to a dormitory, with lockable doors and private bathrooms.
  16. They had tried to persuade Harry to have a bed in their dormitory but he wouldn't agree.
  17. Some had nowhere to live apart from crowded dormitory rooms, even after getting married.
  18. He was drinking grape Tang and vodka, a demented dormitory drink when mixers were scarce.
  19. Like most of the rest of the south east, it's now a satellite commuter dormitory of London.
  20. But most recently people have moved from the city centres to new houses in the suburbs, or to dormitory towns.
  21. He would lie abed in the darkened dormitory, sensing a sloshing sea of human and mutant existence surrounding him.
  22. dormitory centres Within the catchment area of a burgh; basic services available; some growth potential and encouragement to industry.

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