Use of earshot in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include earshot at the start of sentence, earshot at the end of sentence and earshot in the middle of sentence

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earshot at the end of sentence

  1. There was no one with earshot.
  2. The river fell out of earshot.
  3. But Heavenly Father is out of earshot.
  4. A quarrel ensues, distracting every student within earshot.
  5. The police would not question the victims while the press was within earshot.
  6. I don't think you should say anything while the boss is still in/within earshot.
  7. He would tell the rudest stories out loud, when he knew that Joan Sims was within earshot.
  8. The only way we could communicate was between ourselves when our teachers were out of earshot.

earshot in the middle of sentence

  1. It is within earshot of a main road.
  2. Keep the children out of earshot if possible.
  3. To any neighbors within earshot, I apologize.
  4. Mark was out of earshot, walking ahead of them.
  5. She must be within earshot, but she was keeping quiet.
  6. Wait till she's out of earshot before you say anything.
  7. I waited for her to get out of earshot before laughing.
  8. Everyone within earshot soon knew her opinion of Reggie.
  9. Shaun was in the bedroom, out of earshot, watching television.
  10. We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it.
  11. As she came within earshot of the group, she heard her name mentioned.
  12. Out of earshot, I see her show the offending weenies to the other officer.
  13. The social worker wanted to talk to the children out of earshot of their parents.
  14. Two of the shop assistants were complaining loudly within earshot of the customers.
  15. Even a horrific rape committed within earshot of a big family get-together was ignored.
  16. The wives were normally at home and therefore within earshot when assistance was needed.
  17. Fast fighter jets -- many traveling within earshot of the sound barrier -- will headline the shows.
  18. They each stormed away to their desks, Oliver grumbling to everyone in earshot and Rain in silent rage.
  19. Within his earshot there were scores of tins in different states of fullness and with varying resonance.
  20. Visitors should be informed of this important factor - be careful of what is said within earshot of the person.
  21. The guard carefully out of earshot at the far end of the battlements smiled to see Lachlan and his lady so close.

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