Use of elm in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include elm at the start of sentence, elm at the end of sentence and elm in the middle of sentence

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elm at the end of sentence

  1. This bench is made of elm
  2. The hedgerows were planted with elm.
  3. It is over there, by that giant elm.
  4. Water pipes used to be made out of elm.
  5. I made my home there, in the hollow of a dying elm.
  6. It was a good table too, sturdily constructed of elm.
  7. The big white timber and stone structure nestled, half hidden, amongst mature oak and elm.

elm in the middle of sentence

  1. The elm trees are all dying.
  2. Do you still reside at elm Road?
  3. We replanted the old elm in our back garden.
  4. The great elm trees gave shelter from the wind.
  5. The sidewalks are littered with trash, the elm trees are gone.
  6. She employed her as a cleaner at her house in elm Park Lane, Chelsea.
  7. They have lush stands of elm trees and will require minimal leveling.
  8. Cottonwoods and elm trees cast long shadows across the frothing creek.
  9. Only wych elm grew in the wood and it burned for me quite well when dry.
  10. There are few clearings in an elm forest and few vacancies on an oyster bed.
  11. The grass was scythed, the elm trees well-pruned and vigorous in their growth.
  12. The corpse of the household servant still swung from the branch of an elm tree.
  13. The woods most used in construction were elm and ash, both very hard and durable.
  14. One of my great-est joys was to climb as high as I could in our old backyard elm tree.
  15. The mill still stands and is a curious mixture of brick, elm, slate and corrugated iron.
  16. In his view peace conferences were a waste of time; the old elm had outlived its usefulness.
  17. Some marveled and some mourned, especially when the great elm was brought crashing to the ground.
  18. Six of the engineers had swum to the northern bank where they were fastening a rope to a great elm tree.
  19. Then came elm disease, followed by smartly by the drought of 1976, which killed off many of the beeches.
  20. Intimates knew him as Stumpy Will and remarked upon the craftsmanship and lifelike nature of his carved elm prosthesis.
  21. In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
  22. East Kilbride development corporation has this morning rejected the planning application by elm Energy in the face of strong public opposition.

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