Use of ember in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include ember at the start of sentence, ember at the end of sentence and ember in the middle of sentence

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ember at the start of sentence

  1. Ember was only my admission price.
  2. Ember burning with reeds flaunted to the blue sky.
  3. Ember twisted his head to ease the strain in his neck.
  4. Ember, thumping down from the sunflower against the bitter chocolate of the Martian sky.

ember at the end of sentence

  1. The fireball has become an ember.
  2. "One Thousand Dollars" was written by O. Henry. It was adapted for Special English by Lawan Davis. The storyteller and producer was Steve ember.

ember in the middle of sentence

  1. Steve ember has more.
  2. Steve ember tells us more.
  3. Steve ember tells us about her.
  4. The woman gave me ember of her lips.
  5. Sarah Long and Steve ember tell Seuss.
  6. The eye of an ember parrotfish Maldives.
  7. Olivia, rem ember your fiftieth birthday party?
  8. Sarah Long and Steve ember tell about Doctor Seuss.
  9. STEVE ember: Aaron Copland wrote many kinds of music.
  10. STEVE ember: Benjamin Spock was born in nineteen-oh-three.
  11. I have defeated Ordrak, but his darkness still infests the ember here.
  12. All that day Jezrael was in a fever of impatience for ember to come back.
  13. He worked the hot ember loose, leaving an empty socket like a pulled tooth.
  14. Ahead, ember turned into the tunnel-mouth, not even looking over his shoulder.
  15. The two guys near the bottom fell tumbling and ember hit the first one hard on the neck.
  16. STEVE ember: Instead, the Salish people depended on fish, clams, wild animals and plants.
  17. STEVE ember: Miles Davis was born into a wealthy family in Illinois in nineteen twenty-six.
  18. Shots spiked the air and night plunged down on them as ember shot the lights
  19. STEVE ember: Walter Cronkite was born on November fourth, nineteen sixteen, in Saint Joseph, Missouri.
  20. STEVE ember: Experts say the wireless telephone has changed lives and businesses more than any other device.
  21. But ember contrived to nudge her reassuringly and a gravity-shift bounced her high and maybe it was all possible after all.
  22. STEVE ember: Last summer many Americans picked up Swedish crime novels, including "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest" by Stieg Larsson.
  23. STEVE ember: Walter Cronkite was born on November fourth, nineteen sixteen, in Saint Joseph, Missouri. His father was a dentist, his mother a housewife.

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