Use of emigrant in Sentences. 21 Examples

The examples include emigrant at the start of sentence, emigrant at the end of sentence and emigrant in the middle of sentence

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emigrant at the start of sentence

  1. Emigrant project is the main component of project of the key control end Yellow River wavelet.
  2. Emigrant composition basically is European, predict to this century end population is achieved likely 180 million.

emigrant at the end of sentence

  1. Rise and dress yourself , emigrant.
  2. ' Ah! most gracious Monsieur heretofore the Marquis, where is that emigrant?

emigrant in the middle of sentence

  1. Was he not an emigrant then?
  2. They are emigrant labourers.
  3. An early grave or the emigrant ship.
  4. He is a British emigrant to Australia.
  5. The would-be emigrant faced many difficulties.
  6. The emigrant found his livelihood almost immediately on arrival.
  7. Not an emigrant he hoped within the sense and spirit of the law.
  8. Apply for emigrant Australia to need what to condition accord with?
  9. It is in the Chinese memory with very heavy provincialism, emigrant itself is disaster.
  10. Town is changed be being told strictly is emigrant problem, move from the country town.
  11. ' emigrant ,' said the functionary,'I am going to send you on to Paris, under an escort.'
  12. Exile, however, gives perspective, making every emigrant an anthropologist and relativist.
  13. Amount of hub project total constitution is good, emigrant target realizes phase basically.
  14. It is clear that large numbers of migrants avoided the boxcars of emigrant fifth and travelled fourth.
  15. However, this had its dangers, and it was several weeks before an emigrant from Earth could adapt to it.
  16. Justice black is a burgeoning emigrant city, stream of people, wagon flow, content shedding is concentrated.
  17. He will not in the long run profit from arrangements that turn the surviving research institutes into training grounds for emigrant specialists.

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