Use of enchanting in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include enchanting at the start of sentence, enchanting at the end of sentence and enchanting in the middle of sentence

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enchanting at the end of sentence

  1. The overall effect is enchanting.
  2. As a story, it takes on a different tone, but is still enchanting.
  3. Thus, whether one feels like an outsider or an insider, the story can be equally enchanting.

enchanting in the middle of sentence

  1. What an enchanting little girl!
  2. She's an absolutely enchanting child.
  3. A roof-top terrace affords enchanting views.
  4. The child looked enchanting in a pale blue dress.
  5. The enchanting scenery of the West Lake unfolds before our eyes.
  6. The main attraction of Beijing resides in its enchanting scenery.
  7. It's described in the guide book as 'an enchanting medieval city'.
  8. Those enchanting illustrations for Ambrose Heath's Good Food books?
  9. The birds in the aviary at the zoo were enchanting, but I wanted more.
  10. They had enchanting voices and their singing lured sailors to their death.
  11. Zinnia is one of the most enchanting new perfumes to surface for some time.
  12. Gardens are enchanting at night but you can only see the one little bit near you.
  13. Even closer to home is the enchanting beauty of the Craigendarroch Country Estate.
  14. This they did and drew near the island, all except Odysseus deaf to the enchanting song.
  15. Eleanor was in her last term by then and had come under the spell of the enchanting MIle.
  16. How could she find this scene so enchanting after her years on the golden beaches of California?
  17. Zsa Zsa was enchanting - whatever I said to her, she'd just giggle and become even more indiscreet.
  18. They are bright and enchanting and look superb in a rock garden, at the front of a border or in pots.
  19. It is so enchanting that there is always a certain reluctance to reveal its magic to the rest of the world.
  20. That the world should be so enchanting after the enchantment of Vitor's lovemaking was entirely appropriate.
  21. Its varied character, bird life and rich ground flora, including wild daffodils, make it an enchanting place.
  22. All have telephone, most with views over the enchanting surroundings and a very few also have terrace or balcony.
  23. The twelve cameos, each written to display the talents of individual instrumentalists, made an enchanting effect.
  24. Still, better than Patrick Leigh Fermor, endless garbage about local customs, ravishing scenery, enchanting cranky locals.
  25. What Gast alone came back with was footage of Ali motivating himself while simultaneously enchanting the media and the natives.
  26. The many enchanting designs from that period are almost wholly devoted to external appearance, to cottages as features in the landscape.

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