Use of entitlement in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include entitlement at the start of sentence, entitlement at the end of sentence and entitlement in the middle of sentence

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entitlement at the end of sentence

  1. Managers have generous leave entitlement.
  2. Nozick develops a model which enables him to make primary a principle with respect to entitlement.
  3. And yet, he could see in his grandfather a shameless self-importance, a profound sense of entitlement.
  4. The Secretary of State concluded that students were now being more than compensated for the loss of their benefit entitlement.

entitlement in the middle of sentence

  1. The paid holiday entitlement is 25 days.
  2. This may affect your entitlement to compensation.
  3. We have no record of your entitlement to free travel.
  4. It will create a new state-funded entitlement program.
  5. Do you need advice on your entitlement to state benefits?
  6. But they miscalculated by targeting popular entitlement programs.
  7. Eligibility Federal law Federal entitlement to benefits is eliminated.
  8. Leave entitlement is calculated on a pro rata basis, according to length of service.
  9. The grounds were that he had used up his grant entitlement in qualifying to be a teacher.
  10. Tighter rules for benefit entitlement have knocked many people off the unemployment register.
  11. Our new clause 17 would establish their entitlement to rebates, which would benefit them greatly.
  12. Meanwhile, California was now using up its entire entitlement and still growing by leaps and bounds.
  13. The school is acknowledged as providing equal access and entitlement to a rich and varied curriculum.
  14. In both cases they were left untouched for compensation purposes if the entitlement arose pre-petition.
  15. The President refuses to make cuts in Social Security, the biggest entitlement program for the elderly.
  16. The big entitlement programs should be privatized, he says, leaving only a low safety net for the indigent.
  17. We do not have a government prepared to grant entitlement to truth and history to its impoverished population.
  18. As soon as a child is born entitlement begins and is never questioned until the child itself attains economic independence.
  19. The second factor accounting for the regional and central city-suburban shifts was the character of the entitlement formula.
  20. Those without a formula entitlement, both inside and outside metropolitan areas, would have to rely on discretionary grants.
  21. A solicitor can interpret the law for you and help you take advantage of your full legal entitlement to reliefs and allowances.
  22. What we are really talking about of course is entitlement - sharing the privileges of being able to be in touch with other cultures.
  23. The influential Bell study gave them largely a clean bill of health as a model for determining disputes concerning entitlement to benefit.
  24. They are expected so far as practicable to make decisions on benefit entitlement within 14 days, but this time limit is frequently exceeded.

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