Use of entrance in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include entrance at the start of sentence, entrance at the end of sentence and entrance in the middle of sentence

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entrance at the end of sentence

  1. We'll meet you at the entrance.
  2. I'll meet you at the main entrance.
  3. The car waited at the front entrance.
  4. Two lemons stand beside the entrance.
  5. We are approaching the hall entrance.
  6. Cars must not park in front of the entrance .
  7. While the front door is being repaired, please use the side entrance.

entrance in the middle of sentence

  1. How much is the entrance fee?
  2. The entrance has been walled up.
  3. Where's the entrance to the cave?
  4. This entrance is in constant use.
  5. I'll meet you in the entrance lobby.
  6. Where is the entrance to this building?
  7. They specified a spacious entrance hall.
  8. He stood in the entrance of the hospital.
  9. A buoy marked the entrance to the anchorage.
  10. Beside the entrance to the church, turn right.
  11. A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour.
  12. Bridget made a dramatic entrance into the room.
  13. Excuse me, where is the entrance to the theater?
  14. entrance into college was a great event in my life.
  15. She was interrupted by the entrance of an attendant.
  16. The college entrance examination is a real challenge.
  17. There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.
  18. The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians.
  19. The tunnel entrance was submerged by rising sea water.
  20. The stiff entrance examination removes 60 per cent of prospective students.
  21. A broad avenue of lime trees led up to a grand entrance with huge oak doors.
  22. He made a surreptitious entrance to the club through the little door in the brick wall.

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