Use of equivocation in Sentences. 15 Examples

The examples include equivocation at the start of sentence, equivocation at the end of sentence and equivocation in the middle of sentence

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equivocation at the start of sentence

  1. Equivocation is Number 1 cousin to a lie.

equivocation at the end of sentence

  1. These actions must be condemned without equivocation.
  2. Why doesn't the President say so without equivocation?
  3. He answered openly and honestly without hesitation or equivocation.
  4. The fearful electorate found Reagan's outrage and can-do optimism more persuasive than the dour Brown's equivocation.

equivocation in the middle of sentence

  1. I do not suspect him of equivocation, still less of lying.
  2. But there was no equivocation on the issue of illegal immigration.
  3. You would wrong him and wrong yourself by equivocation of any kind.
  4. With caution, and with some equivocation, Bohr took a further step.
  5. But Congressional equivocation also reflects Congressional ambivalence.
  6. This equivocation has carried through to his trade policy appointments.
  7. Then she with a pretty equivocation went on: " Julia is about my height. "
  8. It is probable that deliberate equivocation in respect of the intended sense of word forms is always to some extent odd.
  9. Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use equivocation, and eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination.
  10. One of my key objectives as a filmmaker is to renounce the piousness and equivocation of cinema in order to find a natural and rational approach to documentary and life.

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