Use of ersatz in Sentences. 21 Examples

The examples include ersatz at the start of sentence, ersatz at the end of sentence and ersatz in the middle of sentence

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ersatz at the start of sentence

  1. Ersatz coffee made mostly of chicory.
  2. Ersatz wood trim out of place on a pricey sport-ute.

ersatz in the middle of sentence

  1. Later, ersatz coffee and bread were brought in.
  2. Tourists are the ones having the ersatz experience.
  3. Finally, the cult of personal cleanliness is an ersatz religion.
  4. The ersatz spontaneity of "Sunday Love" sounds especially hollow.
  5. But Mr Caruso has brought the open - air mall to a pitch of ersatz perfection.
  6. As ersatz investment banks, they make short - and long - term loans and take equity stakes.
  7. It was nearly two o'clock and there were few soldiers drinking the hot soup and ersatz coffee.
  8. His wife scurried around serving ersatz coffee and comforting a baby born four days previously.
  9. Frage : Im Sommer wollten Sie bei Ferrari als ersatz f ü r den verletzten Felipe Massa einspringen.
  10. This is one of the many New York culinary delights that appear only in ersatz forms outside the city.
  11. I'm allowed to eat ersatz chocolate made from carob beans, but it's a poor substitute for the real thing.
  12. His hunger was however strong enough to get him through that, along with the slice of ersatz brown bread.
  13. It'scarcely seems to matter that most of these schools ersatz affairs with few conventional qualifications.
  14. There were few provisions available in exchange for food stamps: ersatz coffee, macaroni, small cubes of margarine.
  15. I've been part of this redefinition all my life, casting cousins and friends as ersatz siblings since I was a child.
  16. The two institutions are majestic and columned, with the ersatz Roman look that Americans bestow on important civic buildings.
  17. He makes a gallery of ersatz capers by pickling, for example, the buds of ramson flowers, which have a potently garlicky perfume and taste.
  18. But this new form of ersatz capitalism, in which losses are socialised and profits privatised, is doomed to failure. Incentives are distorted.
  19. i enclose two limp singles, i will make do with this thing till you find me a real Pepys. THEN i will rip up this ersatz book, page by page, AND WRAP THINGS IN IT.

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