Use of exalted in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include exalted at the start of sentence, exalted at the end of sentence and exalted in the middle of sentence

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exalted at the end of sentence

  1. But in death, every wally shall be exalted.
  2. In this culture, establishing dominance is often exalted.

exalted in the middle of sentence

  1. I felt exalted and newly alive.
  2. I felt shy in such exalted company.
  3. You're moving in very exalted circles!
  4. But less exalted leakers had to beware.
  5. The manager exalted many of his friends.
  6. He was exalted as a pillar of the community.
  7. She was exalted to the position of president.
  8. The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.
  9. He had held up his head in the most exalted company.
  10. They look entirely at ease with their exalted status.
  11. How many others in such exalted positions were disloyal?
  12. She was the only woman to rise to such an exalted position.
  13. He was exalted to the postion of a general manager of the company.
  14. You must decide how to make the best use of your exalted position.
  15. Jaq had spent the remainder of the voyage feeling exalted, yet pitiful.
  16. She found him an exalted sinecure as a Fellow of the Library of Congress.
  17. The victorious students ran through the street in an exalted state of excitement.
  18. Leith doubted that she would ever meet the man in such a highly exalted position.
  19. His son was exalted to a high position in the government through family connections.
  20. That share is rather less extensive and exalted than is often claimed for these bodies.
  21. He is not the first politician to kick down the ladder by which he has risen to exalted heights.
  22. He misses the camaraderie of the Bar and the exhilaration of forensic battle in the exalted courts.
  23. Her exalted moment of remembrance expired, she sighed in her relief and in her certainty of purpose.
  24. Alongside similar bloodthirstiness, the romances display the gentler emotions of friendship and exalted love.
  25. Black-and-white pictures that are closer to exalted family snapshots than art photography open the exhibition.
  26. Volcker may have had exalted credentials as a central banker, but he was not deemed politically safe enough by Ronald Reagan.
  27. The captain's love remains on this exalted plane throughout scenes of action in which idealism is not always satisfactorily integrated.

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