Use of explorer in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include explorer at the start of sentence, explorer at the end of sentence and explorer in the middle of sentence

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explorer at the end of sentence

  1. He is a brave explorer.
  2. His father is an Arctic explorer.
  3. Magellan was a famous sixteenth-century explorer.
  4. Zffla, which causes nasty crashes in Internet explorer.
  5. The Trust in all has much to offer the literary explorer.
  6. Marco Polo is a renowned explorer/is renowned as an explorer.
  7. Microsoft also gives away its own Web browser, the Internet explorer.
  8. In the early years I spent every Sunday bashing rhododendrons - it was like being a nineteenth-century explorer.

explorer in the middle of sentence

  1. The explorer related his adventures.
  2. The explorer was killed by barbaric people.
  3. Some prevision warned the explorer of trouble.
  4. The explorer comes with a minimum of bundled software.
  5. The explorer slept that night on the lip of a dead volcano.
  6. A series of lucky accidents led the explorer to his discovery.
  7. The explorer was ever awake for the dangers that surrounded him.
  8. With the explorer pass, you can get on and off the bus as you please .
  9. The explorer spun many fantastic tales about his adventures in the primeval forests.
  10. Internet explorer is also on the desktop of every iMac, and Apple running MacOS 8.5.
  11. The 45 year-old explorer has been preparing for his latest expedition to the Arctic.
  12. In 1608 famed explorer Captain John Smith reported that great numbers of wild ducks abounded.
  13. Internet explorer, the company says, is an acceptable, integrated part of the Windows system.
  14. I've also got an explorer which cost me four hundred bucks - mind you, there's no case with that.
  15. My mentors were people I read about, such as Richard Byrd, the explorer, rather than people I knew.
  16. In his autobiography he described his life as an explorer in some of the remotest parts of the earth.
  17. When you click on the link, Netscape or Internet explorer will open a newsreader in a separate window.
  18. Gould discovered in this hardy, middle-aged explorer, a man of great charm and great ornithological ability.
  19. If you're running Windows, update your system to the latest version of Internet explorer and be done with it.
  20. Like ours, it lies ahead of her like a wilderness just before the first explorer sets foot on the virgin sand.
  21. Mason, focused on convincing potential business users to consider explorer as a starting point for connecting to the Internet.

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