Use of export in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include export at the start of sentence, export at the end of sentence and export in the middle of sentence

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export at the start of sentence

  1. Export orders improved in the last month.
  2. Export subsidies have been reduced by 20%.
  3. Export licences for arms are strictly controlled.

export at the end of sentence

  1. They are engaged in import and export.
  2. To earn foreign exchange we must export.
  3. Oil has supplanted coffee as our main export.
  4. France produces a great deal of wine for export.
  5. Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.

export in the middle of sentence

  1. Our main export is rice.
  2. This country export fruit.
  3. Iraq's principal export is oil.
  4. The islands export sugar and fruit.
  5. This country export fruit to China.
  6. The embargo impacted on export revenues.
  7. The dealers applied for an export licence.
  8. The export / exportation of gold is forbidden.
  9. We now export all kinds of industrial products.
  10. The export sector will aid the economic recovery.
  11. There has been some shrinkage in our export trade.
  12. The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice.
  13. Chinese commodities available for export are varied.
  14. The government has imposed quotas on the export of timber.
  15. The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.
  16. They export their products to markets throughout the world.
  17. The government has imposed export restraints on some products.
  18. They renewed contact with other import and export corporations.
  19. We export our products to countries as far afield as Japan and Canada.
  20. The closure of the export department resulted in over 100 redundancies.
  21. We import raw materials and energy and export mainly in-dustrial products.

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