Use of fathead in Sentences. 9 Examples

The examples include fathead at the start of sentence, fathead at the end of sentence and fathead in the middle of sentence

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fathead at the end of sentence

  1. He is a fathead.
  2. A collection of a hundred great brains makes one big fathead.

fathead in the middle of sentence

  1. But the population plunged in the smallest fish species, the fathead minnow.
  2. According to the doctors interviewed for "fathead", the lipid hypothesis is "bogus".
  3. A year later, the male fathead minnows were producing eggs and had largely stopped reproducing.
  4. A few days later Modigliani set him straight: My dear Friend, You're a fathead who doesn't understand a joke.
  5. Over the weekend, I watched " fathead", a documentary produced in reaction to Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size Me".
  6. She appropriated slapstick and hyperbole to the delicious purpose of lampooning the fathead who made her life miserable.
  7. The researchers also found that the chloride-laced water samples were toxic to two endemic species—the fathead minnow and a water flea.

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