Use of fidelity in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include fidelity at the start of sentence, fidelity at the end of sentence and fidelity in the middle of sentence

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fidelity at the start of sentence

  1. Fidelity is also at the forefront of the new style cash unit trusts.
  2. Fidelity is a dynamic, positive posture that needs renewing and recreating constantly.

fidelity at the end of sentence

  1. He believed in marital fidelity.
  2. There is nothing like a dog's fidelity.
  3. There are few absolutes in high fidelity.
  4. Kip was beginning to doubt Jessica's fidelity.
  5. The best ink-jet printers can reproduce photographs with amazing fidelity.
  6. Transfer of training from a simulator to a real situation is never complete and does not necessarily increase with degree of fidelity.

fidelity in the middle of sentence

  1. I had to promise fidelity to the Queen.
  2. Death is a terrible fidelity to maintain.
  3. They swore an oath of fidelity to their king.
  4. Call fidelity on for more details. Unit trust.
  5. Last month fidelity decided against closing the fund.
  6. They betokened their fidelity to the leader with a vow.
  7. Soviero joined fidelity in 1989 as a high yield analyst.
  8. How important do you think sexual fidelity is in a marriage?
  9. Is fidelity Magellan Fund backing away from technology stocks?
  10. Traditionally, weddings signify everlasting fidelity and love.
  11. Wanting fidelity implies you're thinking about a major relationship.
  12. In recent months, fidelity, not just Magellan, has unloaded tech stocks.
  13. Women were less equivocal than men on the subject of fidelity in marriage.
  14. Otherwise, his fidelity to a city and its cultural flagship has shining precedents.
  15. Neither fidelity nor Merrill will talk about these investments, or their role in the reorganization.
  16. Closely connected with fidelity was liege homage, which the kings were equally determined to extend.
  17. Even fidelity Investments' Magellan Fund, which tends to hold almost no cash, is showing signs of market wariness.
  18. At fidelity Investments, most Nasdaq stocks are acceptable but not if they are held in an individual retirement account.
  19. The giant fidelity Magellan Fund is showing more evidence of having reduced its technology exposure recently, analysts say.
  20. Rumors swirled through the marketplace, fanned by a television report, that fidelity had put pressure on Mr Vinik to resign.
  21. In both theories, however, the guiding vision and uniting theme remains a fidelity to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.

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