Use of fluttering in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include fluttering at the start of sentence, fluttering at the end of sentence and fluttering in the middle of sentence

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fluttering at the start of sentence

  1. Fluttering over the coral heads, hiding in the crevices or clinging to the underside of rocks, are flat leaf-shaped worms.

fluttering at the end of sentence

  1. It was a dark shape, fluttering.
  2. Nessie rose up, her heart fluttering.

fluttering in the middle of sentence

  1. I could feel a fluttering pulse.
  2. A moth was fluttering round the lamp.
  3. Her heart was fluttering in her chest.
  4. Flags were flapping/fluttering in the breeze.
  5. His eyelids were already fluttering into sleep.
  6. The leaves were slowly fluttering to the ground.
  7. The coloured flags are fluttering in the breeze.
  8. A brassiere, fluttering weightlessly to the ground.
  9. A figure in fluttering black emerged, then vanished.
  10. Brightly coloured flags were fluttering in the breeze.
  11. Her chiffon skirt was fluttering in the night
  12. The red flags on the city tower are fluttering in the wind.
  13. Shirts and sheets were fluttering from makeshift clotheslines.
  14. The birds were active, whirring and fluttering among the trees.
  15. It was autumn, and leaves were fluttering down in the light wind.
  16. There is a bird fluttering about inside the chimney. How can we get it out?
  17. There is a bird fluttering about inside the chimney, how can we get it out?
  18. It was a summer afternoon. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.
  19. She walked towards the lanes of shops, the wind fluttering the ends of her scarf.
  20. The women were all fluttering about finishing their preparations for the wedding.
  21. The computer would be burbling away and the lights would be fluttering around the console.
  22. I seemed to hear trumpets and see colourful flags and standards fluttering in the sea breeze.
  23. We came on to the dirt road and a woman in a fluttering robe of pale pink organza walked towards us.
  24. The living come, murmuring with fresh flowers, their maps fluttering like white flags in the slight breeze.
  25. The fluttering or hovering of the Spirit, which is also implied, paradoxically indicates infinite gentle care.
  26. Across in front of them cruised a long black Cadillac bearing the fluttering pennant of the Stars and Stripes.

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