Use of genial in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include genial at the start of sentence, genial at the end of sentence and genial in the middle of sentence

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genial in the middle of sentence

  1. Orlando is a genial man.
  2. Mr. Parker is a genial old man.
  3. Dr Saito has a warm, genial manner.
  4. Bob was always genial and welcoming.
  5. Our chef was a genial, slightly tubby man.
  6. He was a warm-hearted friend and genial host.
  7. He is a resourceful, hard-working, genial man.
  8. He cast a genial glance at one of his apprentices.
  9. The headteacher is very genial/has a genial manner.
  10. His manner was genial and his speech idiosyncratic.
  11. Her uncle looked at her awhile with genial acuteness.
  12. The latter's genial nature and dressy appearance pleased him.
  13. Glover was genial, modest, and always eager to improve himself.
  14. Living well, it seems, is the best revenge, even for a genial poet.
  15. Your genial hosts will recommend several excellent local restaurants.
  16. She had a cigarette butt between her lips and a genial look on her face.
  17. Our hosts were genial and friendly, and our stay was a very pleasant one.
  18. All that was left of his genial friend lay cold before him on the trestles.
  19. In character he was kindly, genial, and modest, with an abundant sense of humour.
  20. Under the genial exterior lay a considerable vanity, and a desire to have his own way.
  21. He loved both the outdoor life and the companionship of genial and talented colleagues.
  22. Alvin met the genial master poet Langston Hughes, who became a lifelong friend and confidant.
  23. He even developed a nice line in badinage with the unusually genial Labour leader, Mr Neil Kinnock.
  24. It was Francis Clark who welcomed them into the building, a genial man with a pleasant smile on his face.
  25. That man was scarcely a heroic figure, however genial and powerful in manpower, but never ambitious to lead.
  26. Bates himself was warm and genial, and his cohorts were having such a good time that their faces glowed with pleasure.
  27. Your genial hosts will recommend several excellent local restaurants. Special diets are catered for with advance notice.
  28. Indeed, she had scarcely enough presence of mind to return Sybil's bright smile and bid farewell to the genial innkeepers.
  29. The excellent and varied wine list, decent buffet food and genial atmosphere make this a favourite with local office workers.

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