1) blurVerb
Become glassy; lose clear vision. Her eyes glazed over from lack of sleep. | دھندلا ہونا |
2) blurVerb
To make less distinct or clear. The haze blurs the hills. | دھندلا کرنا |
3) blurVerb
Make unclear, indistinct, or blurred. Her remarks confused the debate. Their words obnubilate their intentions. | غیر واضع کرنا الجھانا |
4) blurVerb
Make a smudge on; soil by smudging. | داغ دار کر دینا |
5) blurVerb
Make dim or indistinct. The fog blurs my vision. | دھندلا کرنا |
6) blurVerb
Become vague or indistinct. The distinction between the two theories blurred. | واضع نہ ہونا مبہم ہونا |