Use of goober in Sentences. 12 Examples

The examples include goober at the start of sentence, goober at the end of sentence and goober in the middle of sentence

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goober at the start of sentence

  1. Goober, gumbo and tote are West African borrowings first used in America by slaves.

goober at the end of sentence

  1. Police man: Excuse me sir, but did you just call me goober ?

goober in the middle of sentence

  1. Talk about gagging on your goobers.
  2. I can sew the costumes. maybe his uncle goober can be the judge .
  3. These include goober (peanut), gumbo (okra), and voodoo (witchcraft).
  4. When The goober asks Jerry why he refused, Jerry does not have an answer.
  5. Then one afternoon Mr. goober, the postman, came to his door. His face was very serious.
  6. Early in the book, Jerry's friend known as The goober gets an assignment from The Vigils.
  7. The goober suffers some serious emotional repercussions from carrying out the assignment and is never quite the same afterward.
  8. As he is waiting for the ambulance he tells his only friend, The goober, not to disturb the universe—that it is not worth it.
  9. In her book, market researcher, Selina goober says those 26traits are what make children fiercely brand loyal and retailers so interested.
  10. He had never spoken to the postman before. "Thank you Mr. goober, "he said. Mr. goober smiled. "You're welcome. I always enjoy delivering packages. "
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