Use of guesswork in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include guesswork at the start of sentence, guesswork at the end of sentence and guesswork in the middle of sentence

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guesswork at the end of sentence

  1. But it was more than guesswork.
  2. But that could have been guesswork.
  3. We don't deal in rumours or guesswork.
  4. Their price estimates are based on pure guesswork.
  5. Their conclusions were largely founded on guesswork.
  6. Longterm forecasts were largely a matter of guesswork.
  7. Many of Carey's price estimates are based on guesswork.
  8. We can't make a decision based on hearsay and guesswork.
  9. The question of who planted the bomb remains a matter of guesswork.
  10. A few family resemblances were put forward, but it was all guesswork.
  11. The first lies in the extent to which all evidence adduced depends on guesswork.
  12. With my direct pipeline into Rainbow's thoughts blocked off, I must stoop to guesswork.
  13. That reflects past performance, a fact, not future performance, which is largely guesswork.
  14. Our judgements depend upon complicated interconnected combinations of sense-data, reasoning, and guesswork.
  15. This type of statistical work is about inferring things from the data and is really a sophisticated form of guesswork.

guesswork in the middle of sentence

  1. It was pure guesswork on our part.
  2. There's a lot of guesswork in these calculations.
  3. The projected sales figures are pure guesswork on our part.
  4. Their results owe more to informed guesswork than to actual knowledge.
  5. It's merely guesswork and an abstract computation, not very satisfying.
  6. What is inferred from it is based almost as much on guesswork as on evidence.
  7. The docs' guesswork just goes to show how miraculously improbable human health really is.
  8. It was simply guesswork that it was in that place that some of the Western hostages were kept.
  9. It is all guesswork, but we can not help thinking about it, and I have thought a great deal about it.
  10. They help take the guesswork out of tax law by translating convoluted jargon into plain-folks language.
  11. Our comprehension, however, based as it is on observation, intuition, and guesswork is always only partial.
  12. By removing the mystique immediately, you avoid the excruciatingly embarrassing guesswork by all and sundry.
  13. Changes in political priorities may simply result in the need for informed guesswork if suitable data are not available.
  14. The friar suddenly realised that Cranston's claim that Allingham was murdered was really a piece of pure guesswork on his part.

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