Use of heavenwards in Sentences. 6 Examples

The examples include heavenwards at the start of sentence, heavenwards at the end of sentence and heavenwards in the middle of sentence

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heavenwards at the end of sentence

  1. Asked about differences with Mr Walesa, the prime minister merely rolls his eyes heavenwards.

heavenwards in the middle of sentence

  1. She raised her eyes heavenwards and pushed by him.
  2. She rolled her eyes heavenwards when she saw what her husband was wearing.
  3. His bodily form, erect and looking heavenwards, admonishes him to mind the things that are above.
  4. Some raise their eyes heavenwards, launching weekly balloons to probe the ozone layer, watching with wonder the northern lights higher still.
  5. Enjoying the coolness under their foliage, I would gaze up into the sky –"Lost in a trance, staring heavenwards ", as a popular singer crooned.

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