Use of heed in Sentences. 27 Examples

The examples include heed at the start of sentence, heed at the end of sentence and heed in the middle of sentence

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heed at the end of sentence

  1. There are other voices she can heed.
  2. But what if the government takes no heed?
  3. All the club and school players take heed.
  4. I had told him not to go, but he didn't heed.
  5. Solicitors would be well advised to take heed.
  6. The Macleans, confident and happy, paid little heed.

heed in the middle of sentence

  1. He didn't heed my advice.
  2. She didn't heed my warning.
  3. So heed Film's guide to gaming.
  4. Tom paid no heed to her warning.
  5. She paid no heed to our warnings.
  6. Take heed of your doctor's advice.
  7. And pay no heed to Araminta's spite.
  8. They gave little heed to the rumours.
  9. Travelers of little faith, heed my plea.
  10. Not that I expect you to heed my warning.
  11. Lachlan would heed no warning, of course.
  12. They failed to heed the lessons of history.
  13. How does the child learn to heed the warning?
  14. The government was taking little heed of these threats.
  15. They failed to heed a warning about the dangerous currents in the river.
  16. The danger was there for all to see, but we failed to heed the warning .
  17. I paid no heed at the time but later I had cause to remember what he'd said.
  18. It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.
  19. The union failed to heed warnings that strike action would lead to the closure of the factory.
  20. Small businesses would be wise to take heed of the warnings contained in the Chancellor's speech.
  21. The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.

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انگریزی سکہ
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